Tuesday, June 15, 2010

23 Things - Thing #3

You know creating a blog for the first time was not as difficult as I thought it would be. I actually had a lot of fun doing it. Being able to design my own page was exciting, especially creating my Avatar. I really like being outdoors and being one with nature, so I designed my page with a gardening theme. At first , it was difficult coming up with a blog name and title. I was just sitting there looking at this page with absolutely no idea what to do; however, after I figured it out, it was pretty much smooth sailing from that point on. Although the Avatar gave me a few headaches while trying to upload it to the blog page, thanks to some classmates, I can now do that very easily on my own. Overall, it was not the scary experience I was expecting. It really was great. This is going to be so useful for me in the classroom as well as the library.


  1. Titles always are hard for me too...I want just the right one each time!

  2. I like that you came up with a theme. Cool idea.
